
Company: The international Society of Nephrology

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

CloseDate: 27 February 2023

SpotsAvailable: 100


The ISN makes travel grants available for its annual World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) and Frontiers Meetings. The aim of these grants is to provide support to those who would normally not have the means to travel to congresses and the opportunities it offers for learning and networking, and encourage equitable access for the benefit of all participants.

  • ISN Travel Grants are reserved for ISN members in good standing.
  • ISN Travel Grants are reserved for the benefit of physicians and scientists from developing countries.
  • In some cases, only abstract presenters at the event are eligible for a Travel Grant (an accepted abstract is not a guarantee to obtain a grant).
  • Past ISN Fellows and selected participants in the Sister Renal Centers Program receive priority consideration for a Travel Grant to ensure their continued education.

Please note that no individual is entitled to more than three WCN Travel Grants (including ISN Fellows and participants in the Sister Renal Centers Program).